Miriam is co-founder of the collective lux&auma. The Berlin-based collective believes in the power of creating within low-hierarchical structures and in the artistic strength of all participants. The artistic process is absolutely in the foreground. lux&auma works in an interdisciplinary, experimental, open, international and, of course, highly creative way.
lux&auma works inter-disciplinary experimental, open, international and with upmost creativity.
KunstKartell connects artists from a wide variety of fields. They share aspirations to focus on socio-political topics through their art. KunstKartell stands for interdisciplinary cooperation, networking, exchange of resources and solidarity.
The Menstrulution collective was founded in 2019 by various artists and is still on an artistic journey through unemployment and struggles against capitalism. First performances took place in the context of #besetzen. The collective also regularly organises open stages with a feedback format that promotes exchange and constructive criticism among participants and artists.
Erste Auftritte fanden im Rahmen von #besetzen statt. Das Kollektiv organisiert auch regelmäßig Open Stages mit einem Feedback-Format, das Austausch und konstruktive Kritik unter Teilnehmenden und Künstler*innen fördert.