Sound and music have always had the capacity to create connections – between ideas, places, and people as well as within us. The interacting global crises we face are fundamentally rooted in the challenge of connecting across diverse perspectives and ideas, often set in opposition. It is more important than ever to explore the potential role that art can play in opening up imagination around possible just and sustainable futures and bringing these into being. x CTM Vorspiel presents a full evening of live electronic performances and three days of hands-on workshops. Everything from how to perform live, how to take care of your mental health as an artist, to virtual modular synths, to building and soldering your own synths and modules.
19.01 CONCERT 18.00 – 22.00
drusnoise, Erbse & Miriam Taschler | Krach der Roboter & Aquarium
Freya Algiz | JacqNoise | Verónica Mota