WOMEN'S Fortress
In January and February 2022, 30 artists created works on the theme of courage in temporary studios in the Franzensfeste / Fortezza fortress (Italy) and transformed the fortress Franzensfeste into a WOMEN'S fortress.
Hide and Seek
Video installation as a result of the research stay in the Franzensfeste/Fortezza fortress
What is your role in society? Did you choose it yourself? How much is it part of you or how much are you part of it? Do you actually want to break out, or does it offer you comfort, do you hide yourself behind this role? This veil?
As women*, we often live with clearly defined role models that quickly limit us in all directions. We should not be too fat, not too thin, we should be virginal and at the same time really good in bed, actually perfect but still approachable, strong but above all controllable. If we appear too strong, we quickly become "different", witches, not quite women, and certainly not human. But we were only half human before.
Have the courage to be angry! What makes you angry? What is your fuse for anger? When do you stand up and say something, do something?
Is this fortress perhaps a place that makes you angry...
Ilmė Vyšniauskaitė video edit Filippos Raskovic sound design Miriam Taschler dance, concept, choreography
Escape attempts
Fotography project as a result of the research stay in the Franzensfeste/Fortezza fortress
Comfort or escape? Security or change? Soaring in the spaces in between.
Laura Volgger photography Miriam Taschler concept and model